Long gone are the days of dull, office vending machines. Picture walking into your break room and having the freedom to browse through hundreds of delicious, fresh items on open shelves in your very own personal market. Arizona Fresh Markets utilizes ground breaking technology to offer companies state-of-the-art 24 hour micro-markets, complete with touch screen kiosks to allow employees easy access to purchases without ever leaving their workplace. Our emphasis has always been to provide and sustain a healthy lifestyle for employees both in and outside of work. Arizona Fresh Markets wants to work with you to create a sustaining healthy workplace for you and your employees!
How Does It Work?
With the utilization of an unmanned self check-out kiosk, your employees need merely select the item(s) they wish to purchase, scan the UPC code at the kiosk and complete payment by using a credit, debit or a customizable market card linking to their account. Our micro markets use today’s leading technology and equipment to offer your employees a better break room experience. We provide energy-efficient coolers, attractive fixtures and stylish kiosk to establish a real market feel.
What You Need To Get Started?
It really is that simple!
Benefits of The Arizona Fresh Market
By providing a Arizona Fresh Market in your workplace, employees will be happier, healthier and more productive. The following are some significant advantages to why markets really work for companies nationwide:
One of the key benefits of this micro market concept in your break room is the fact that you are not restricted to what products can actually fit in a traditional vending machine. There are no size or shape restrictions and it also allows us to create a focus on healthy products. Before you buy you can pick up the products and look at the nutritional information and make a decision just like in a regular store.
Arizona Markets can accommodate and showcase nearly any type of product. Choose from a comprehensive menu of items such as:
Arizona Fresh Markets come outfitted with the most advanced industry technologies. Our state-of-the-art kiosks, surveillance systems and refrigerated equipment are sleek and attractively designed in addition to being energy efficient. Each kiosk is outfitted with The Ready Touch™ software system which offers your employees an unparalleled degree of serviceability and ease of use. The system is built on an enterprise class framework using Java and Microsoft Windows. It requires less than two feet of floor space, and has just one power cord (110V) with a Cat5 or better network connection. Each Arizona Fresh Market System is equipped with a web-based inventory-monitoring program, insuring an accurate count of goods, which takes the guesswork out of tracking purchases and inventory levels.
The market runs on a highly secure and stable network. It is encrypted through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnel. The light bandwidth load ensures minimal network demands. Most of the processing is performed locally with the network used minimally for card authorizations, data synchronization and periodic updates. Arizona Fresh Markets are PCI Compliant with all national security requirements.
Non-obtrusive camera surveillance will be installed within your customized Arizona Fresh Market layout plan in order to minimize risks of theft. We recommend markets be placed in “closed locations”- meaning businesses with moderately secured facilities for a known group of employees. We also recommend markets be placed in areas away from heavy public traffic.
Our sophisticated security system works “in sync” with the kiosk to monitor the market. With these systems in place, we have experienced theft amounts in controlled environments to be negligible. Clearly marked signs indicate the users are on camera, which discourages theft in the market. If a pattern of theft was to occur, we do not hold the business responsible for the loss. We simply inform the contact of the inventory discrepancy and ask if they would like to have a video snapshot to help resolve the issue. Locations are free to pursue any actions they would like regarding how to handle the person(s) responsible. If the business does not want a video snapshot we may simply ask to increase security camera signage or request a company email be sent out.
The layout of your Arizona Fresh Market is completely customizable to fit the needs of your business environment. Whether the market space is converted from an existed vending area or is implemented within an employee break room, we will work with you to help design an aesthetically pleasing and efficient market environment. With the ability of fitting in any size space, a Arizona Fresh Market has a solution to fit your needs. Below is a chart displaying our variety of equipment specifications. All that is needed to get started is a designated market area, a power supply and internet access.
Subsidies for Micro Market
A very popular and highly effective implementation of the micro market is a subsidy by the company. This most often takes the form of a discounted price to the employee with the difference being billed to the company. In this case we normally discount the normal price of all products by 25% and bill the difference to the company. This pricing method can be used to encourage healthy eating since at the company’s direction the subsidy can be applied only to healthy products. Under this scenario the employee can get lunch or snacks for a price not available in local restaurants and never have to leave the office. This is by far one of the most popular perks for employees. We find that subsidy is the preferred method since providing free food brings about large potential waste.
Read One of Our Success Stories: How One Operator Skyrocketed His Sales
Let us show you how quick and easy it is to bring an Arizona Fresh Market to your workplace. Call today- 480-450-0725
From cold drinks to healthy snacks, we have it all. Discover your favorite munchie-time meal now.